
By 露露大哥 at 2017-05-10 • 0人收藏 • 390人看过
  昨天是夏至日,表示炎热的夏天已经到来啦!大家的第一感觉就是热,那么到底有多热,如何用英文来形容炎热的天气呢?小编为大家整理了一些有关的表达,是时候拿出来提高“逼格”了。  1、I am sweating like a pig, and I'm not doing anything.  虽然我什么都没做,但还是汗流浃背。  2、It's not just hot; it's Africa hot! This weather is terrible.  不止是热,是像非洲一样热!天热得吓人。  3、I can't bare the heat; I am leaking!  我受不了这么热,我浑身都在出汗!  4、It's stifling! I can hardly breathe.  天气太闷热了!我都没法呼吸了。  5、I'm sweating fat!  我在出脂肪!  6、Flies are falling down tired!  热得苍蝇都纷纷落下来!  7、It's hot enough to melt hell!  热得足以把地狱溶化了!  8、It's as hot as in a sauna!  热的像在蒸桑拿!  9、You could boil a kettle on your head  你可以在头上将水烧沸。  10、Today is a thermometer breaker!  今天热得温度计都要爆了!  11、It's raining fire! Let's stay at home!  不是下雨,是在下火啊! 让我们待在家里!  12、Sticky as a box of frogs.  像一盒子青蛙一样黏。  13、It's so hot my tongue is hanging out.  热得我把舌头耷拉出来了!  14、It's so dry the trees are following the dogs around.  太干了,树下都围着一圈狗。  15、You could fry eggs on the sidewalk!  人行道上可以煎蛋了。手指长按下图中二维码,然后点击“识别图中二维码”下载英语口语App神器,跟着美国真人老外来练口语,让你从此告别哑巴英语!
