
By 月半影 at 2017-05-13 • 0人收藏 • 282人看过
Intelligence is flexible and there are a lot of things to give it a daily boost. For smart thinking your mind needs 3 things: 智商灵活多变,它可以通过每天做些事情得以提升。为了有个聪明的思维,你的头脑要有三项准备:  To be trained in thinking processes  思考过程得到训练  To have plenty of information  获得大量的信息  To focus on a problem or idea  关注某个问题或想法  For example, Thomas Edison was able to think of his light bulb because:  例如,托马斯?爱迪生能发明电灯泡,是因为:  He was a trained logical thinker  他是已受训练的逻辑思考者  He knew a lot about electrical engineering  他懂很多关于电气工程方面的知识  He focused on solving a problem  他关注解决问题  Here are a bunch of things to do every day to help your mind to think smart.  这里有一些事情,如果你每天都做,它们能帮你的头脑聪明地思考问题。1 Drink 2 glasses of water within 30 minutes of waking up醒后的30分钟之内要喝两杯水  Since you’ve been asleep for hours, your body has not gotten water for 6-9 hours. Water is needed for the filtration of waste products and fluid balance. Two big glasses of water offset the fluid deficit you had from sleeping.  因为你已睡了几个小时,身体也有6-9个小时没有吸收水分。体内废物和液体平衡过滤需要水分。两大杯水能抵消睡觉过程中的液体流失。  Studies on kids (study 1, study 2) show that drinking more water increases their ability to complete mental tasks. Make sure your brain is not dehydrated at the beginning of the day already.  有关孩子的研究(研究1和研究2)讲明多喝水有助于提高他们完成心理任务的能力。在一天的开始,要保证你的大脑没有脱水。2Read a book summary during breakfast 早餐期间阅读一本书的概要  Reading books is great, but breakfast is far more suitable for something shorter. Instead of reading news articles that have little impact on your life/intelligence, read best selling book summaries. You can find summaries by:  阅读很好,但是早餐更适合阅读些短的文章。与其读对你的生活或智力几乎没有影响的新闻文章,还不如读点脱销书的摘要,你可以通过以下方式找到概要:  Googling your book title + summary, for example “7 Habits of Highly Effective People summary”  搜索你的书名+摘要,例如“高效能人士的七个习惯摘要”  Use a summary subion like Blinkist or getAbstract  使用像Blinkist和getAbstract这样的摘要网站3Listen to stimulating podcasts/audiobooks during your commute 上下班路上听播客或有声书     Even if you spend only 10 minutes on your bike like I do, load your phone up with intellectually stimulating audio. Good sources could be:  即使你像我一样上班骑车只花10分钟,请在手机上下载对智力有益的音频。好资源可能在:  TED talks (their app lets you pre-download audio so you don’t eat your mobile data)  TED演讲(他们的app可以提前下载音频,所以不用担心会铺张你的流量)  Blinkist has some of their summaries in audio form  Blinkist会以音频方式呈现它们书籍的概要  Audiobooks you purchased  你买的有声读物  Podcast of your favorite authors  你最爱作者的播客4 Drink green tea while working 上班期间喝绿茶  Where caffeine makes many people anxious, green tea (especially Matcha tea) contains l-theanine. This aminoacid causes an increase in alpha brain waves in the brain:  咖啡因使许多人焦虑,绿茶(尤其是抹茶)包罗茶氨酸。这种氨基酸会提高峻脑阿尔法脑波:  In practice this means that where coffee can induce anxiety, high quality green teas cause a relaxed focus without inducing sleepiness. This is also why l-theanine is available as a supplement to aid in relaxation and increasing cardiovascular health.  实际上这讲明咖啡可能诱发焦虑,而高质量的绿茶不会让你感应瞌睡,让你注意力集中且放松。这也是为什么茶氨酸可以帮助放松和提高心血管健康。5 Take naps during the day 白天小睡    Napping helps your mind refresh. It’s been shown that napping during learning increases learning speed. Your mind has a rhythm that determines when it gets sleepy and when it needs sleep:  小睡可以消除大脑的疲劳。研究讲明学习中打个小盹有助于提高学习速度。你的大脑有这样一个韵律,决定着何时会昏昏欲睡,何时需要睡眠:  As you can see on average people feel more sleepy than usual between noon and 4 PM. This is a perfect time to have a nap, and will increase your alertness and productivity for the rest of the day. Personally I’ve has good results with post-workday naps too (around 6 PM).  正如你所见,中午时分到下午4点是平常人最困乏的时间段,他们会感受比其他时间更困。这段时间就是你休息的最佳时间,它有助于提高你在一天剩余时间里的注意力和效率。就个人而言,我在约莫下午六点要下班的时候睡觉效果最好。6 Don’t take sugar during the day 白天不要吃糖  In fact, if you can cut it altogether. But if you can’t for whatever reason, just make sure not to have it during times where you need to focus.  事实上,如果你能控制还好。无论是什么缘故原由,你无法戒掉糖,那么至少在你需要集中注意力的时候不要吃。  Sugar highs and the following lows are not good to keep your brain functioning smartly. What does work very well are fatty acids. Try to switch any sweet stuff during lunch for something more substantial like fish or eggs.  糖分过高晦气于保证大脑聪明地被使用。脂肪酸能让大脑变强。午餐期间试着不去吃带有糖分的食物,去吃点像鱼和鸡蛋这种更加实质性的食物。7Do social media websites only a couple of times a day 一天只上几次社交网站  The brain adapts to the information you throw at it. If you bombard it work non-stimulating and fast switching information your focus will get destroyed.  大脑要适应你抛给它的信息。如果你总是给大脑不刺激且快速转换的信息,会造成大脑损伤。  Keep your brain functioning on a higher level by throwing stimulating things at it. If you feel the need to procrastinate, set a timer and don’t get lost in mindlessly scrolling.  快给大脑高水平刺激性的信息,让它处置惩罚吧。如果你觉得有必要拖延,那就定时,不要让大脑盲目迷失地转动。8 Play games instead of watching series or movies 看电视剧,电影不如玩游戏   Watching TV is a passive activity. Your brain is consuming information, but not processing or interacting with it. Substitute or supplement this entertainment with gaming. A 2014 study showed that even a simple game like Super Mario has visible impact on brain plasticity (flexibility).  看电视是种被动的活动。你的大脑消耗信息,但是不处置惩罚,也不与信息做互动。快把这项娱乐换成打游戏。2014年的一项研究讲明即使是像超级玛丽这样简单的游戏也对大脑的可塑性(灵活度)有可见的影响。  Another piece of research covered by Forbes shows the same. Actively engage your brain where you can, instead of letting it slumber passively.  来自福布斯的另外一项研究也显示了同样的结论。让你的大脑努力参与活动,而不是让它被动沉睡。9 Read a book instead of watching TV 看电视不如读书  Similar to playing games instead of watching TV, reading a book is an active exercise for the brain. Where watching video entertainment is a passive consumption of information, reading a book requires your brain to actively construct mental images of what you are reading.  和去打游戏不要看电视的道理一样,读书是可以活跃磨炼大脑。看娱乐节目只是被动的消耗信息,读书需要你的大脑努力主动构建阅读内容的精神意向。10 Do some programming 做编程  Programming is a great way to learn to think logically and in patterns. Coding used to be hard to learn but with free websites like Codeacademy and free/paid platforms like Udemy it is easy and fun to learn.  编程是培养逻辑思维模式的好方式。编码过去常常会觉得很难,但是当有Codeacademy这样的免费网站和Udemy这样的免费平台,编程学起来就简单有趣多了。  Consider it the next level of puzzles. As an added advantage learning to code in your free time increases your employability in the job market.  把它当成智力游戏的下一个级别。在业余时间学习编程,把它当做你的分外优势,有助于在就业市场提升你的竞争力哦。11Watch TED talks while cooking 做饭的时间看TED演讲    Preparing dinner is a great time to catch up on some cutting edge developments in Technology, Education and Design (ted.com). It turns what would otherwise be downtime into a fascinating and stimulating block of time. It’s like watching the news, only you are watching the world’s most inspiring individuals talk about their work.  准备晚餐的时刻是让你了解科技前沿技术发展的最佳时刻,去听TED演讲(ted.com)。它把这样的时刻变成了有趣,刺激的时刻。这和看新闻一样,你只是在看世界上最鼓舞人心的人谈论他们的工作。12Do some simple exercises during the day 一天中做些简单运动  The body and the mind are strongly connected. Physical fitness helps the brain function well. You don’t however have to go to the gym every day to benefit from this (though you can of course).  身体和大脑紧密相连。身体健康有助于大脑正常运行。然而,你并不需要每天去健身房而从中受益(尽管你也可以去)。  Doing some push-ups throughout the day and walking or skipping up some stairs has a great impact already. Try to do something physical every hour or so, even if it’s just getting up, stretching a little and tensing all your muscles as hard as you can for 5-10 seconds.  每天做些俯卧撑,步行,跳楼梯已经会对你有很大影响了。身体尝试每天1小时的磨炼,即使在起床时刻,你也可以花上5-10s做做伸展,拉紧你所有的肌肉。13Spend time with someone smarter than you 和比你聪明的人在一起  Habits are socially contagious. It is a well known fact in science that obesity for example spreads through social networks.  社交上的习惯可以传染。例如,在科学界众所周知,肥胖通过社交网络传播。  The habits and thinking patterns of those you spend time with rub off on you. Expose yourself to people who are smarter than you in order to benefit from them.  陪你在一起的人,他们的思维方式和习惯往往会影响你。为了从中受益,要和比你聪明的人常常待在一起哦。14Talk to people who disagree with you 和不赞同你观点的人聊天  Get into (friendly) discussions with people who disagree with you on any topic. Arguing with them allows you to either:  和不赞同你观点的人友好地在某主题上聊天讨论,和他们讨论会让你:  Sharpen your arguments  认真思考你的论点  Be convinced that you are wrong  承认自己的错误  In both cases you win. In the first you convince the other person by out reasoning them, and in the second false logic you previously had is not eliminated.  只要能有这两种情况,你都赢了。第一点你通过推理说服对方,第二点你之前的错误逻辑没有消除。15 Go for a walk in nature 大自然中散步  Walking through nature has a number of benefits:  在大自然中散步有许多好处:  There is more oxygen since plants produce it  有植物制造的更多的氧气  The human mind calms down when surrounded by plants  当周围被植物困绕时,人们思维就会平静下来  Walking helps your blood circulation  散步有助于你的血液循环  Having a walk in a park at lunch time can greatly help you work smartly for the rest of the day.  午餐时间在公园里散会儿步有助于你在一天中剩下来的时间更加聪明地工作。16 Carry a notepad 花携带笔记本  Great minds like Leonardo Da Vinci always carries a notepad. They used it to jot down ideas, sketches and questions they had for later review.  像达芬奇这样聪明之人总是会随身携带笔记本。他们会用本子记录想法,草图以及问题以便日后回顾。  Having a little book on you and writing down interesting things can greatly help you train your curiosity and logical thinking.  随身携带笔记本,记录有趣的事情大大提高了你的好奇心,也磨炼了你的逻辑思考能力。17 Take 10 minutes at the end of the day to plan tomorrow 一天的最后时间花10分钟做明天的计划  By planning tomorrow the day before you begin the day with a plan. This allows you to work much more productively.  在一天没到来之前计划第二天。这会让你的工作更具效率。  Many people are busy all day, but not actually productive. A great part of being smart is knowing that hard work is inferior to smart work. Pick your battles in advance.  许多人整天都很忙,实际上却效率低下。聪明的人知道起劲工作不如聪明地工作。赶紧提前做规划吧。长按识别二维码关注央视微电影社区频道担当正能传播|创造幸福生活|成就民族品牌更多信息:www.cctvoc.com
