
2019-11-27 06:01:48

  The infamous Razzies, also known as the Golden Raspberry Awards, are given to the worst in the world of film, and are juxtaposed with the Academy Awards, or Oscars, which traditionally take place the following day. The award was named a ‘raspberry' with reference to the sense of raspberry as a ‘sound made with the tongue and lips, expressing derision or contempt'.
  Razzies(金酸莓奖)又叫Golden Raspberry Awards,是一个向烂片致敬的奖项,一般都抢在学院奖,也就是奥斯卡的前一天发布。金酸莓奖起名raspberry(覆盆子)是因为它有喝倒彩(把舌头放在两唇之间并发出声音)之意。