
2019-11-18 18:07:25


China's northern municipality of Tianjin will restrict traffic and issue new car license plates via bidding and lottery in a drive to fight traffic jam and air pollution.


天津对新车牌实行的政策是将北京的license-plate lottery(车牌摇号)政策和上海的plate bidding(车牌竞价)政策相结合。各大城市的车牌政策都是为了减轻traffic jams(交通拥堵)和smog(雾霾)。

此外,天津将实行和北京一样的traffic restriction scheme(车辆限行方案),即traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers(尾号限行)政策。而且在morning and evening rush hours on workdays(工作日的早高峰和晚高峰时段),天津还将禁止vehicles with non-local plates(外埠牌照机动车)在outer ring(外环线)以内道路通行。