不承认也没用 N种迹象表明你曾经是个书呆子

2019-11-08 15:49:11


1. 你迷恋上某个人,而TA根本就不知道有你这么个人儿。

You had a crush on someone who had absolutely no idea who you were.

2. 体育课让你有种下地狱的赶脚。

P.E. was your idea of hell.

3. 当体育老师宣布有跳舞的内容时,你的表情是这样滴~

This is how you reacted when your P.E. teacher announced you had a dancing unit.

4. 你博览群书,老师得把高年级的书单提前给你。

You read so much, in fact, that your teacher gave you extra books to read at a higher reading level because you breezed through all of the ones at yours.

5. 照片不会搞错,就因为你的眼镜和牙套成功抢镜……

Photos of you were unmistakable because of the sheer glint of braces and glasses.

6. 举手发言,你毫不含糊。

You were quick to raise your hand in class.

7. 而且你还总能有加分。

And you always did the extra credit.

8. 通常你是老师的好学生,在你纠正老师语法错误时除外。

Basically, you were the teacher’s pet… except when you corrected their grammar.

9. 去了各种优等班后你就开始嘚瑟。

You bragged about all of the honors classes you were in.

10. 其他小盆友觉得很酷的东东你都不喜欢。

You were probably really into something that the cool kids thought was lame.

11. 但有时你也会扮酷,只不过没你想得那么酷。

On the rare occasion you did try to act cooler it never came off quite as well as it did in your mind.

12. 读百科全书那就跟玩儿一样嘛~

You read the encyclopedia for fun.

13. 你还特别喜欢查字典。

You almost certainly enjoyed looking up words in the dictionary, too.