
2019-10-30 20:32:04

  Takes the biscuit

  当人们说某事takes the biscuit的时候,意思就是“太离谱了,难以理喻”,可以形容一连串事情发生后他人作出的反应。
  First you lost my keys, then you dropped my phone in the sink but this takes the biscuit. How did you manage to set fire to the television?
  I’ve seen him in some awful films but this really takes the biscuit. What was he thinking?
  短语you have what it takes就是说你有足够的能力或才华来达到目标或成就某项事业。
  I think you’ve got what it takes to be one of the best translators in the country.
  He was never going to be successful in that role because he doesn’t have what it takes to manage a multi-national company.