美国人这样说英语1-10:dream on “别做梦了”用英语怎么说

2019-12-05 22:52:35

A:One day I'm going to marry that star.


B:Oh, come on.Will you get real?


pipe dream 指不切实际的白日梦。

He has a pipe dream about being emperor of the universe.



How was your ~ 我们应该学会怎样问候别人。人和人相处的基础,就是相互间的关怀。

e.g. How was your vacation? 假期过得好吗?

How was your trip?旅行愉快吗?

How was your flight?这次航程怎么样?

How was your weekend?周末过得好不好?

How was your date?约会怎么样啊?

How was your day at school?今天在学校过得怎么样?

How was your day at work?今天工作顺利吗?


1."get real"是“清醒点!”的意思。

2."dream on"是一种反讽的说法,字面上是继续做梦,实际上是说“别再做梦了”。

3."pipe dream"是白日梦。从前,男人们不是喜欢用pipe(烟斗)抽,边抽边做白日梦吗?