
2019-11-13 08:15:51

  The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Thursday decided to set up a leading group on "united front work" to pool support from across society.
  “统战工作领导小组”即统一战线工作领导小组,可以用a leading group on “united front work”表示,united front指统一战线,我们所说的爱国统一战线,可以用patriotic united front表示。
  党的统一战线成员通常包括,各成员(members of democratic parties)、无党派人士(personages without party affiliation)、海外华侨(overseas Chinese),宗教人士(religious leaders)、优秀知识分子和民营企业家(outstanding intellectuals and private entrepreneurs)等。
  中国八大分别是中国国民党革命委员会(Revolutionary Committee Of The Chinese Kuomintang)、同盟(China Democratic League)、建国会(China National Democratic Construction Association)、促进会(China Association for Promoting Democracy)、中国农工民主党(Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party)、中国致公党(China Zhi Gong Party /China Public Interest Party)、九三学社(Jiu San Society)和台湾民主自治同盟(Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League)。
  统战工作领导小组主要职责是对统一战线贯彻落实政策部署(implement CPC policies among people and sectors of the united front),督促检查关于统一战线的重大方针、政策、法律法规的贯彻落实等。